Animated web cartoon “The Gimmicks”, backed by well-known American actress Mila Kunis’ Sixth Wall production company, announced that it will release NFTs on its website on March 18. These 10,000 NFTs can be minted on the Solana blockchain FOR FREE (Gas fees aside). What’s more interesting is that holders can vote on the plot at the end of each episode to decide the direction of the show. It is reported that the show was created in collaboration with Web3 animation studio Toonstar, and is written by Dave Ihlenfeld and David Wright, who have previously worked on the hit cartoons “Gaiku Family” and “The Simpsons”.
Mila Kunis has previously vigorously promoted NFTs on talk shows; she believes that NFTs are a whole new world for women, and that women should make better use of such platforms to show their talent.